
Open a Document - [ctrl]-[O]

Create a New Document - [ctrl]-[N]

Save a Document - [ctrl]-[S]

Print a Document - [ctrl]-[P]

Close a Document - [ctrl]-[W]


Move the Text Cursor - 4-way arrow buttons [<] [>] [^] [v]

Up One Screen - [Page Up]

Down One Screen - [Page Down]

Go to the Beginning of the Line - [Home]

Go to the End of the Line - [End]

Go to the Beginning of the Document - [ctrl]-[Home]

Go to the End of the Document - [ctrl]-[End]

Open the Go To Dialog Box - [ctrl]-[G]


Cut - [ctrl]-[X]

Copy - [ctrl]-[C]

Paste - [ctrl]-[V]

Undo - [ctrl]-[Z]

Redo - [ctrl]-[Y]

Find - [ctrl]-[F]

Replace - [ctrl]-[H]

Select All - [ctrl]-[A]

Check Spelling and Grammar - [F7]


Bold - [ctrl]-[B]

Italics - [ctrl]-[I]

Underline - [ctrl]-[U]

Align Left - [ctrl]-[L]

Align Center - [ctrl]-[E]

Align Right - [ctrl]-[R]

Justify - [ctrl]-[J]

Indent a Paragraph - [ctrl]-[M]

Remove an Indent - [ctrl]-[shift]-[M]

Increase a Font Size - [ctrl]-[shift]-[>]

Decrease a Font Size - [ctrl]-[shift]-[<]

Increase Font Size by 1pt - [ctrl]-[]]

Decrease Font Size by 1pt - [ctrl-[[]

Copy Formatting - [ctrl]-[shift]-[C]

Paste Formatting - [ctrl]-[shift]-[V]

Show/Hide Formatting Marks - [ctrl]-[shift]-[*]