Whether it’s because you use something regularly and it adds convenience for you to have an icon easily accessible, or you don’t use something often enough to remember where it is on your computer, pinning icons to your taskbar can prove beneficial for your utilization. Best of all, it’s easy enough to do! 


The taskbar is the bar that shows up across the bottom of your screen and extends from the Windows “Start” button all the way right to where your Date and Time is displayed. 


Everything you have open will appear in a row on your taskbar. When something is open, to pin it to your taskbar, all you must do is right click on whichever icon you wish to pin.  



Then, a menu should pop up. Simply click “Pin to Taskbar,” and you’re done! 




Another method is to find whatever you wish to pin in your Files 




Again, all you must do is right click on the icon you wish to pin and choose “Pin to Taskbar.” 




Finally, you can pin things from the Windows “Start menu.” 




Once again, find what you wish to pin to your task bar and right click on the icon. A menu should pop up as displayed below. 




When the menu pops up, hover your mouse over the “More” button. 




Then, a second menu should open. Just as before, select “Pin to Taskbar,” and you’re finished. 



If you ever find you don't need something pinned to  your taskbar any longer, unpinning works just the same. Right click on the icon on your taskbar you wish to unpin, and when the menu pops up, select "Unpin from Taskbar."


Happy pinning!