Outlook email has a handy Notes feature that you can utilize to improve the efficiency of your work. Notebooks are wonderful tools you can use for reminders, daily tasks, or bits of information you want to keep for a later day. If you would like to use the Notes feature in your Outlook, follow the steps below. 


Along the bar on the top of your screen when Outlook is open, you will see a small square icon with the letter N in it, as displayed below. Clicking this icon is how you access your Notes in Outlook. 




Once the Notes feature is open, simply click “Add A Note” to begin creating a new note for yourself. 


Then, your screen should look as displayed below. On the yellow page is where you can write your first note. Along the bottom, you will see you are able to use features such as Bold and Underline to tailor your notes to your needs.  


The Notes feature has a bunch of different options for editing and for creating a note that works best for your needs. For instance, if you use the “-” icon at the beginning of a phrase, it will automatically turn into a bullet point once you’ve hit the space bar. 



If you hit the three horizontal dots at the top right-hand corner, you will discover other options for your organization, such as the ability to change the color of your notes or to delete your old notes when you no longer need them. 


At the top of your Notes feed, you will find a Search bar where you can search for the notes you’re looking for, meaning your notes will never get lost, no matter how many you keep.  




I hope you find this feature beneficial!