Sometimes, working is made more efficient when we have our resources open as two separate windows instead of in two tabs in one window. This allows us to have one window open on two monitors, split our screen to see both simultaneously, or use the keyboard shortcut [alt]-[tab] to quickly switch back and forth between windows. If you have multiple tabs open in one window and you would like to convert them into being open in their own individual windows, follow the steps below. 


First, find the tab up top you would like to have open into its own window.  


Then, right-click with your mouse on the tab you would like to separate. When a menu pops up, hover your mouse over “Move tab to another window.” 


After your mouse has hovered over the button, a second menu should open. Click the option that says “New window.” 



Once you have selected “New window,” that tab should have opened into its own window and removed itself from the original window you began on. Now, you can switch back and forth between the windows or place them side by each on your screen; whichever is most effective for you!