How to: Scheduling Meeting from Private Teams Channel


By default Microsoft Teams will not allow you to schedule a meeting through Teams in private channels, however there is a work around.


Step 1: Find the Correct Channel

Open Teams and select Teams on the left side of the Teams window. Choose the private teams channel you wish to schedule a meeting for.

Step 2: Launch a “Meet” meeting

Once the chat window for the private Teams channel is visible, click the “Meet” icon in the top right corner of the Teams window. This will launch a Teams meeting.

Step 3: Acquire Meeting Link

When the meeting launches, on the right hand side of the meeting screen there will be a “People” list. This is where you would typically see participants in the meeting. At the top of this area there will be a box in which you type someone’s name to invite them to the meeting. Next to that box on the right hand side will be an icon that looks like two chain links. When you click on that it will copy the link anyone can use to join the meeting. After you have click the button to copy the links you can exit the meeting.

Step 4: Use Outlook to Schedule Meeting

Open Outlook and at the top left of the Outlook window under the tab “Home” you have two options, one named “New Email” the other named “New Items”. Click “New Items” and a drop down menu will appear. Click “Meeting”.

A new window will pop up where you can enter the information for the meeting such as name and date. In the lower part of the window where you can type a message you will have to right click and choose “Paste”. This will copy the link from the meeting you were in earlier.

You will have to add all the participants into the meeting individually as this work around will not automatically add them. Once all information is entered you can hit “Send” and the meeting will go to all participants.

Step 5: When Meeting Time Arrives, Click the Link

When the schedule time of the meeting arrives the link you copied earlier will show up. Anyone clicking on the link you sent will be brought into a Teams meeting.


Optional: Video

Here is a link to a YouTube video showing this work around in action.