A shared calendar in Outlook is a way of sharing schedules between different members of an organization. To access a shared calendar in Outlook you can follow the following steps. 

1. First navigate to your Outlook calendar by going to https://outlook.office.com/calendar/ and signing in with your email account

2. Next on the left had side of your screen just below the mini calendar there is a button that says "Add Calendar". Click on "Add Calendar". 

3. Once you have clicked on "Add Calendar" a dialog will appear on your screen. On the side of the dialog will be a list of options and you are looking for the one that says "Add from Directory"

4. Click on "Add from Directory" and you will be prompted to enter the name of the person or group whose calendar you are wanting to see.

5. As you start typing a list of suggestions will appear and you can select from the list the name of the person or group whose calendar you are wanting to see.

6. Once you select from the list you will be prompted to choose which calendar you are wanting to add the shared calendar to.

7. You can click the dropbox to select a different calendar if you prefer and once you are satisfied with your selection you can click the blue "Add" button. 

8. Once you have clicked "Add" you should have been returned to the calendar screen. On the left hand side of the screen you should see a folder name "People's Calendar" and you below that you should be able to see the calendar you just added. If you can't see the calendar contact IT Support to make sure you have access to the calendar.